Saturday, July 28, 2012

Spiced Cyser - Brewlog and Recipe

Spiced Cyser
Initial SG: 1.106
Initial Volume: 5.33 Gallons
Yeast: K1v-1116 (10g)
Fermaid-O: 82.4g (160ppm YAN)
Go-Ferm: 13g (19ppm YAN)
H2O: 250ml Bottled Drinking Water
Ferm-Cap: 1 Dropper plus 2 drops in Yeast Starter
Honey: ~9 lbs Winco Clover
Juice: 4.5 Gallons of Kroger Brand Apple Juice (SG = 1.050)

Heat honey to warm and whip it into the apple juice in a plastic bucket fermenter.
Aerate for 15 minutes using an air stone.
Rehydrate yeast in Go-Ferm per directions.
Pitch yeast and place into a temperature controlled water batch set for 15C.

Day 0 - 9:20PM
pH: 4.0
Temperature: 78F
Initial SG: 1.106
Initial Volume: 5.33 Gallons
Yeast: K1v-1116 (10g)
Fermaid-O: 82.4g (160ppm YAN)
Go-Ferm: 13g (19ppm YAN)
H2O: 250ml Bottled Drinking Water
Ferm-Cap: 1 Dropper plus 2 drops in Yeast Starter
Honey: ~9 lbs Winco Clover
Juice: 4.5 Gallons of Kroger Brand Apple Juice (SG = 1.050)

Must Temperature @ Pitch: 76F
Yeast Temperature @ Pitch: 80F
Pitched: 7/7/12 9:20PM

Corrected SG @ 60F = 1.108

Day 0 - 11:20 AM (14 Hours)

Calibrated pH meter - It was off by -0.1 point

Sanitary Aeration for 5 minutes through air stone
SG = 1.104
Temperature = 60F
pH = 4.0

Day 2 - 12:00 AM (27 Hours)
Sanitary Aeration for 5 minutes through air stone
SG = 1.098
Temperature = 60F
pH = 4.0
Added 3.25g Fermaid-K  - (16ppm YAN) Total YAN = 195ppm 

Day 2 - 12:20PM (39 Hours)
Sanitary Aeration for 5 minutes through air stone
SG = 1.083
Temperature = 62F
pH = 4.0
Added 4g DAP  - (42ppm YAN) Total YAN = 236ppm 

Day 3 - 9:20 AM (48 Hours)
H2S Detected - Very Slight
Sanitary Aeration for 5 minutes through air stone
SG = 1.060
Temperature = 64F  (Coolant off for last 6 hours. It is back online now)
pH = 3.9
Added 6.5g Fermaid-K  - (42ppm YAN) Total YAN = 278ppm 
Added 9g Fermaid-O - (18ppm) Total YAN = 296 ppm
Added 1 more dropper of Ferm-Cap to knock down foam...

Day 3 - 10:20 PM (48 Hours)
H2S Detected - Stronger
SG = 1.042
Temperature = 62F
pH = 3.9
Added 15g Boiled Baker's Yeast  - (30ppm YAN) Total YAN = 327ppm 
Slight Stir

7/11/12 8:20AM
H2S Detected - Very very slight
SG = 1.032
Temperature = 62F
pH = 3.9
Slight Stir

7/11/12 8:00PM
SG 1.023
pH 4.1
Slight Stir

7/12/12 9:30AM
SG 1.016
pH 4.0
Slight Stir

7/12/12 10:30PM
SG 1.011
pH 4.0
Slight Stir
Turned Off Cooling

7/13/12 10:20PM
SG 1.008
pH 4.1
Moved to Shelf

7/14/12 11:59PM
SG 1.008
pH 4.1

7/23/12 9:18PM
Racked into 5 gallon BB
pH = 4.1
SG = 1.005
Appearance - Cloudy
Smell - Very much like wine.  Clean. No SO2 odours. Promising
Taste - 

Added 5.3g of K-Meta. The targets are (160ppm Free) (0.80 Molecular)
I am going to wait 3-4 days then check free SO2 using a titret. Based on the ratio that was bound I will calculate the addition to bring the Free SO2 to the target range...


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