Saturday, July 28, 2012

Spiced Cyser - Brewlog and Recipe

Spiced Cyser
Initial SG: 1.106
Initial Volume: 5.33 Gallons
Yeast: K1v-1116 (10g)
Fermaid-O: 82.4g (160ppm YAN)
Go-Ferm: 13g (19ppm YAN)
H2O: 250ml Bottled Drinking Water
Ferm-Cap: 1 Dropper plus 2 drops in Yeast Starter
Honey: ~9 lbs Winco Clover
Juice: 4.5 Gallons of Kroger Brand Apple Juice (SG = 1.050)

Heat honey to warm and whip it into the apple juice in a plastic bucket fermenter.
Aerate for 15 minutes using an air stone.
Rehydrate yeast in Go-Ferm per directions.
Pitch yeast and place into a temperature controlled water batch set for 15C.

Day 0 - 9:20PM
pH: 4.0
Temperature: 78F
Initial SG: 1.106
Initial Volume: 5.33 Gallons
Yeast: K1v-1116 (10g)
Fermaid-O: 82.4g (160ppm YAN)
Go-Ferm: 13g (19ppm YAN)
H2O: 250ml Bottled Drinking Water
Ferm-Cap: 1 Dropper plus 2 drops in Yeast Starter
Honey: ~9 lbs Winco Clover
Juice: 4.5 Gallons of Kroger Brand Apple Juice (SG = 1.050)

Must Temperature @ Pitch: 76F
Yeast Temperature @ Pitch: 80F
Pitched: 7/7/12 9:20PM

Corrected SG @ 60F = 1.108

Day 0 - 11:20 AM (14 Hours)

Calibrated pH meter - It was off by -0.1 point

Sanitary Aeration for 5 minutes through air stone
SG = 1.104
Temperature = 60F
pH = 4.0

Day 2 - 12:00 AM (27 Hours)
Sanitary Aeration for 5 minutes through air stone
SG = 1.098
Temperature = 60F
pH = 4.0
Added 3.25g Fermaid-K  - (16ppm YAN) Total YAN = 195ppm 

Day 2 - 12:20PM (39 Hours)
Sanitary Aeration for 5 minutes through air stone
SG = 1.083
Temperature = 62F
pH = 4.0
Added 4g DAP  - (42ppm YAN) Total YAN = 236ppm 

Day 3 - 9:20 AM (48 Hours)
H2S Detected - Very Slight
Sanitary Aeration for 5 minutes through air stone
SG = 1.060
Temperature = 64F  (Coolant off for last 6 hours. It is back online now)
pH = 3.9
Added 6.5g Fermaid-K  - (42ppm YAN) Total YAN = 278ppm 
Added 9g Fermaid-O - (18ppm) Total YAN = 296 ppm
Added 1 more dropper of Ferm-Cap to knock down foam...

Day 3 - 10:20 PM (48 Hours)
H2S Detected - Stronger
SG = 1.042
Temperature = 62F
pH = 3.9
Added 15g Boiled Baker's Yeast  - (30ppm YAN) Total YAN = 327ppm 
Slight Stir

7/11/12 8:20AM
H2S Detected - Very very slight
SG = 1.032
Temperature = 62F
pH = 3.9
Slight Stir

7/11/12 8:00PM
SG 1.023
pH 4.1
Slight Stir

7/12/12 9:30AM
SG 1.016
pH 4.0
Slight Stir

7/12/12 10:30PM
SG 1.011
pH 4.0
Slight Stir
Turned Off Cooling

7/13/12 10:20PM
SG 1.008
pH 4.1
Moved to Shelf

7/14/12 11:59PM
SG 1.008
pH 4.1

7/23/12 9:18PM
Racked into 5 gallon BB
pH = 4.1
SG = 1.005
Appearance - Cloudy
Smell - Very much like wine.  Clean. No SO2 odours. Promising
Taste - 

Added 5.3g of K-Meta. The targets are (160ppm Free) (0.80 Molecular)
I am going to wait 3-4 days then check free SO2 using a titret. Based on the ratio that was bound I will calculate the addition to bring the Free SO2 to the target range...


Pineapple Coconut Melomel Racking - NOT FUN

So, it was time to rack the melomel off of the coconut as I needed to 6 gallon carboy to brew a Strawberry Wit Beer.

Initially I thought that a section of pantyhose would work well as a filter.  Nope.  The small mesh size just clogged up.  So I abandoned that idea and just went for the racking cane tip.... Nope. That clogged up as well.

By then I was getting a little pissed and decided to sanitize a fruit bag and stuff it down the neck of the destination carboy.  I also sanitized a big funnel and performed what I think may have  been a mistake.  I ended up just pouring the melomel into the funnel and letting the fruit bag filter out the coconut that made it into the pour.

Needless to say, this was quite a rough way to handle the mead and I hope I don't pay for it later.  There was a good deal of SO2 in the mead but I'm not sure what impact today will have.

Also, I ended up not being able to get the bag out of the carboy.  Too much coconut made it in.  I ended up tying off the bad and I'm going to let it sit in there until the mead drops clear and I rack it for the last time.  At least it is in a bag so I shouldn't have any problem with the racking later.

****NOTE***** The next time I do coconut (And I will because my sample taste was AWESOME) I must put the coconut in a bag.  DO NOT ADD COCONUT WITHOUT A FRUIT BAG!!!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Adjusted acid on the Strawberry Banana Melomel

I've been lazy about the mead but today something got done...

The melomel is crystal clear and looking good.  I tasted it and found it to be quite flat.  It really needs some twang to it.  So I drew a 200ml sample and added a 10% w/w solution of acid blend (citric, malic, and tartaric) to it in measured amounts.  I ended up adding 8ml of the solution (8g) and though it was a bit heavy on the acid.

I also didn't want to add THAT much acid all in one go.  My calculation said to add 80g!

0.8g Acid/200ml Wine=0.004g/ml of acid
5g/Liter * 20Liters = 80g Acid Blend

Too much for me to add at once, so I ended up adding 30g of Acid blend.

Here are the rest of the stats:

pH = 3.6
Free SO2 = 50ppm
Molecular SO2 = 0.8 ppm (RIGHT on the money!)
Gravity = 1.014

Taste Observations:  Now I can taste that banana!  Woo its really in front.  The Strawberry flavor is lacking as of yet.  Otherwise it is a nice drink.  The alcohol is fairly strong on the nose and somewhat on the tongue.  Overall this is good and should be a lot better in a few more months.  I'm going to let this acid addition blend for a month and then re-taste.